Hm slave pokemon black. Give him Fly, Rock Smash, Strength, and Cut. Hm slave pokemon black

 Give him Fly, Rock Smash, Strength, and CutHm slave pokemon black  Or did I get the wrong message here?I can only hope the fifth gen will get rid of HMs altogether and just let the pokemon that can do an action do it naturally

in Pokemon emerald nincada is a good hm slave but in Pokemon pearl flash is not an hm. Clefable (both in the Giant Chasm) Surf HM Slave (I think it was Basculin) Fly HM Slave (Pidove, I think) Pokemon White (still not finished) P. credit to a liikala post. Rayquaza is my slave,i think he knows all HMs Linoone is good too,cut,surf,rock smash,strengthWe need some HM slave appreciation. Both Female and Male Nidorans can easily be found just north of Goldenrod, all you have to do. Quite a valuable asset. Usually having every move slot fitted with HMs, HM Slaves can be useful if you are in a cave and need many HMs such as Surf, Strength, etc. Go inside and talk to the lady, she will ask to see a move. Well, considering Pokemon can only learn four moves, you're going to have a tough time finding one that can learn six. Switch FC: 1161-9206-0151 | IGN: Mr. For a field HM slave, try Charizard. My Lugia knows Fly (STAB too), and I have a kingler that knows Rock Smash, Strength, Cut, and sometimes whirlpool (Most of the time I just let him know False Swipe). I've got that duck one with Fly and Surf, but he can't learn Waterfall -_- Figured I'd check and see what people have found works best for themselves. --If you already have a Strength HM Slave, teach Lucario Return. Rufflet learns strength cut and fly. Let me give you an example (my HeartGold. HM artwork for Pokémon Red and Green. HM, field moves and a running pokemon catcher (Absol's Mean Look and False Swipe). This gives it plenty of variety when it comes to utility outside of battle. Clefable (both in the Giant Chasm) Surf HM Slave (I think it was Basculin) Fly HM Slave (Pidove, I think) Pokemon White. 2,833. I'm curious as to everyone's HM slave/transport Pokemon and which moves they have. Gunbladelad 12 years ago #4. Speaking with the chairman to get an. As the first Pokémon games, Red/Blue introduce 5 Hidden Machines that are used in order to progress through the game. But it is still a better fighter. FE:Fates - MyCastle: Birthright ~ Rare Skills. Bassmeister_ • 11 yr. bluehatdude (Topic Creator) 14 years ago #5. Super de-dooper. Pokemon are our buddies and helpers, so when I caught a Hawlucha expressly to use Fly and Strength, I named him HM Buddy. The difference between a TM and an HM is most pronounced in the earlier games in the series, where TMs were single-use items while HMs could be used an unlimited amount of times after they were obtained, and unlike TMs could not be tossed or sold for money. You can get it in the Pokewalker (Big Forest) in HG/SS. I always have a water type in my team and I always teach that watewr type waterfall/surf. In later games, I find Gyrados to be a great HM slave. I was forced to settle for "Goon". level 1. Flamethrower (STAB) Fly (STAB + HM) Dragon Claw (Coverage) Steel Wing (Coverage) Charizard is a great Pokémon in Special Attack and Speed and arguably the best Fire-Type option in the game. 33 *Lonely* Thunderbolt Sand-Attack Double Kick Quick Attack GRAVELER lv. The Ghetto HM Slave. To add to my previous post: The HM mechanic is outdated. Once I have completed the game, I usually have a water pokemon knowing Surf and a HM slave with Fly and some other moves . Go to their Pokédex to find out which. Also, there's only 8 usable HMs. Cut seems to hardly be used, fly is just convenience. Fly, Surf, and sometimes even Strength are all useful battle moves in the game, so all you need is something that can Cut and Flash. You don't really need any HMs, other than that first time that you had to cut the tree in the Dream Yard. Board Topics. ago. When Snake sees a "!"Apr 7, 2010. commented Sep 28, 2014 by Legend Of Lotad. . Druddigon - HM Surf - HM Cut - HM Strength. Since it's impossible to have one pokemon with every HM: Which pokemon, that can learn the most commonly used/needed HM's, makes the best HM slave? So far I like using Linoone. You needn't worry about Rock Smash or Rock Climb or what have you, as they've lost their HM status for this game. 8)HMs may only used on caught pokemon. In their honor and as a requiem for the deceased hms, . Krabby/Kingler are the best HM mules for use throughout the game, as this time, Krabby can be caught with the Old Rod in locations like Route 40. Right now I've got Strength and Surf on a Herdier and I have a pidove with fly. Defog was replaced by Whirlpool in the Generation 2. Is there a pokemon that can learn all that and cut? I don't think there is any pokemon which can learn every HM barr Mew/Smeargle (through sketch) Krabby/Kingler can learn all the water HMs, Cut, Rock Smash and Strength. Well, here's my team right now (I just finished Pokemon Tower and I'm trying to catch Snorlax): BLASTOISE lv. Show him a Pokémon between the levels of 24 and 49 to receive an Exp Share. Works well actually. Bibarel is the easiest to obtain, and it can learn Cut, Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall, and Rock Climb. Both learn Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash. Smeargle = all hms + all tms. Pic. HM Locations Where to find the HMs in Black 2/White 2. This is my favourite HM Slave because it works great in conjunction with almost any water Pokemon. The box Legendaries of the past have been defenders of the region. I think yes, as long as you DO NOT use them in battle and only use them for the HM. -Henry Louis Mencken. Adamant nature. You really don't need a HM slave, just give every Pokemon 1 HM each. HylianPaladin 11 years ago #1 I'm curious as to everyone's HM slave/transport Pokemon and which moves they have. Many Pokémon Nuzlocke guides cover the same overused principles. Abilities. So, your Poliwrath (or Poliwhirl, if you want to save your Water Stone) can carry Whirlpool, Rock Smash. 33 *Serious* Confusion Psychic. Furret is the better HM Slave of the two because it can learn three HM moves over Raticate's two. Also: Dig and thief. You can only remove it from a move tutor who is located somewhere in the. Fly. Bibarrel. With the INSANE special attack of both of those Pokemon I HIGHLY recommend using Thunder Punch/ Ice Punch/ Fire Punch/ Psychic for a mon that basically a solo carry. Pokemon Black Version 2. However, why use it as an HM slave, when it can be a part of your team. Also hopefully one that will be relatively easy to get my hands on. As soon as players find them, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, they scatter to undisclosed locations around the Johto region's map. 2. It's finding rate is 7%, but it's worth the effort. The two together can cover everything, and each of them on their own can learn quite a few. The Celebi receieved in Japanese theaters when attending the 13th movie will unlock Zorua. HM02 Fly Driftveil City - From Bianca. If you have beaten the game already, Dragonite. An equivalent term used within the Japanese fandom is 秘伝要員 , with 秘伝 being from 秘伝マシン Hidden Machine. I carried around a gyarados with Surf and Waterfall since those are actually decent moves and gyarados is a decent pokemon. Best answer. Lillipup is really one of the best early-game Pokemon, in my opinion. Trait - Blaze. #3. commented Sep 28, 2014 by Legend Of Lotad. So that, when we have to go through the new Victory Road/Mt. Well, I thought most people would be intelligent enough to figure that Fly isn't needed in the overworld to move obstacles, and that Cut becomes less useful after the beginning stages of the game. Or, since Cut and Strength are most used, just get a 1 HM Slave that can learn both and have Fly and Surf learned on your other 5 Pokemon. For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Post your Hm Slave!". Flash is not an HM in HG/SS, I know, but it's still. Krabby/Kingler are the best HM mules for use throughout the game, as this time, Krabby can be caught with the Old Rod in locations like Route 40. Reshiram and Zekrom are encountered as part of the story after you defeat the Elite 4 for the first time. Dec 10, 10 at 5:00pm (PST) ^. #1. For what it's worth, though, Strength is a fairly decent move ingame and there's probably room for it in the set of one of your physical-oriented pokemon. This is a creative and hilarious. Tropius and Skarmory can learn Fly, and Rhydon does anything that the rest might not have move slots for. My first choice is Psyduck/Golduck. For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Theirs always one HM slave. I know HMs aren't so important in this Gen but I wonder what you guys use. Two new moves have also been seen;. Or Victini if you're into that. Wish I had a Mew for this. Strength inflicts damage and has no secondary effect. 10)once you beat the game, all nuzlockers must fight eachother for the title of "king of nuzlock". Haxorus. HM Fly is useful as it allows you to instantly return to towns you have previously visited. Why waste a slot in your precious 6 man pokemon roster with a. #1. Best HM slave for Black 2? : r/pokemon 11 yr. They're both found on Route 10, so if you do a. For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hm slaves". GENIUS. BtlMaster. A term used within parts of the fandom to refer to a Pokémon in a Trainer's party that is used for navigational support through the use of field moves—generally those taught by Hidden Machines. i dont have hm slave. black; hms; hm-slave; 0 votes. So the other day I decided to replay Pokemon Black. Currently in pokémon black and white 2 i'm using pelipper and raticate for hms. Most HMs aren't good in battle, anyway (except Surf). If you want a pokemon from any region: Bibarel - HM Cut - HM Strength - HM Surf - HM Dive - HM Waterfall - TM/HM Rock Smash. ----Boards;Technically the best HM slave is Mew. Granbull. FC - 0044 2787 7360. HM slaves will typically have all four move slots occupied with field moves, allowing smooth passage through caves, across. Best. Bibarel (level 100!) Toxicroak (level. Grindpower 13 years ago #1. . However, unlike past games, the TMs of Unova do not disappear after use and can be used time and time again at no extra cost. Pokemon Black FC: 0604-9904-6016. This practice is typical of the way of life in Alola, where humans and Pokémon are so closely bound together. This keeps you from having less move slots to choose from. These refer to the Wiglett, Toedscool, and Poltchageist lines, whose designs are based on the Diglett, Tentacool, and Sinistea lines, respectively. Samurott. Considering the source and combo Bibarel / Empoleon + Tropius will. Groudon - Earthquake, Bulk Up, Overheat, Hyper Beam/coverage move. You can only remove it from a move tutor who is located. Strength is required later on, but after you have access to the Move Deleter. However, I made my team that way teams are intended. Gyrados can pretty much GG the entire game and even dent the frontier to an extent. I still train them, I still heal them, and I leave it to my Pokemon with the best HP and Defenses to take a hit to heal my others. See the discussion at PokéCommunity! It learns Cut and Strength as well, putting it comfortably in the “3 HM” category that seems to dominate in Gen 6. View source. And it still hits hard as Waterfall, Surf & Dive are STAB. creativeme (Topic Creator) 12 years ago #3. HM slave is a term used within parts of the fandom to refer to a Pokémon in a Trainer's party that is not used for battling, but to provide navigational support through the use of field moves—generally those taught by Hidden Machine. Surf and fly are good so I don't care giving it to good Pokemon. These are the four water type HMs: •Surf- Extremely useful and one of the most important HMs. Below are all the Pokémon from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald with the HMs they can learn. r/pokemon • Introducing Pokémon Glistening Black and Sparkling White! Thanks to your kind comments on my Pokémon 1 and 0 logos I was inspired to mock up logos for (future?) remakes of Black and White (or Black 2 and White 2). The Pokémon can be filtered by ticking the checkboxes. 3. Puzzle and Dragons 303941291. Boards. By carrying around an HM slave, you don't have to allocate any of your actual team's limited moves towards often. The game tells me this isn't allowed. HMs can be used an unlimited number of times and cannot be disposed of. Mar 6, 2012. Saintpara 11 years ago #6. Makoscientist 14 years ago #6. Hidden Machines (HMs) in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. It isn't too often Ash's Pikachu loses a battle, even against the likes of Lucario and Latios, yet this baby Pokémon managed. 1. If there is anything +15 years of playing Pokemon has taught me, it is that Pokemon are tools to be used for our own ends. For this game Watchog and Swanna have become the slaves, between them all HMs are covered (except Waterfall) also the former HMs rock smash. 4. Headbutt. I always love my HM slaves just as much as any other of my Pokemon. If none slaves you carry around are going to have these moves you should be looking for 2 pokemon who can learn the remaining 5 to 7 HM's your current game requires and fill. HM slave is a term used within parts of the fandom to refer to a Pokémon in a Trainer's party that is not used for battling, but to provide navigational support through the use of field moves—generally those taught by Hidden Machine. UmiKaru 13 years ago #5Hidden Machines (HMs) in HeartGold/SoulSilver. Accepted Answer. Miruhog and Doyruzu can learn 2 - Cut, and Strength. Sorry. Linoone is good. answered Sep 28, 2014 by Rick Gastly. I know HMs aren't so important in this Gen but I wonder what you guys use. IT's also a solidly replaced by Extreme Speed later on. So my party is filled but I don't have anyone that can use fly . A decent flyer is Swanna, if you have it or Fletchling. Basculin and Golurk cover all of the HM moves in this game. Technically the best HM slave is Mew. A Hidden Machine, HM for short, is an item that, like a TM, is used to teach a Pokémon a move. Pokémon Black & White - TMs & HMs. What HM slave should I use in Pokémon X? Which HM Slave for Pokemon Black version? What Pokemon is a good HM slave?. Country. Previously, players often kept one of their six-Pokémon party just for HMs, but this meant these "HM slaves" were being included not because players wanted a particular species in their squad, or. Unfortunately, Rufflet is a White 2 exclusive Pokemon. machop is a good hm slave. There are only six HMs in this game: Cut, Strength, Surf, Fly, Waterfall and Dive I believe. answered Sep 28, 2014 by Rick Gastly. Hopefully there is someone in this generation who is capable of taking 4 HM moves, and still standing on their own in battle with said moves. Other HM slave favorites: Linoone Pelliper Raticate Pidgeot Furret Bibarel Various starter pokemon when I was a newbie at the games (I had cut on my Blaziken until I got a slave, after the 5th gym) Golbat Pikachu (flash) / Plusle / Minun _____Slave is Emile's Paras in Pokémon FireRed. " - Page 2. All water pokemon able to Surf, all flying types able to Fly, etc. Braviary and Watchog. In the first Gen, Mew is by far the best HM slave for getting about. Sharpedo is a very good HM slave because it can learn a majority of HM's and gives you 2x speed while surfing. Once it evolves into Crawdaunt, a ton of. BirdTheBard • 2 yr. Log in to add games to your lists. •Whirlpool-Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal, and HG SS in order to get. Nidoran (both male and female) are easy enough to. HM04 Strength Nimbasa City (Top Left Building) HM05 Waterfall Route 18. 1 Answer. Fly is easy enough to allocate to a non-slave Pokémon so that leaves Cut, Strength, Surf, and Waterfall. The point is that any pokemon that can use HM's that you will need, will be found later in the the game, either because that's where they are or you actually caught and trained their pre-evo so they can learn the HM's you need to progress. I generally run with either a 3 or 4 pokemon combat team, and 2 HM slaves. ~ 12514-29694-66068-57372. Even if the Pokemon you are using is a Mew, you will not want its moveset to be Cut, Flash, Surf, and Strength. In Black Version, you can trade a Cottonee to Dye in Nacrene City, which has a Modest nature and the Chlorophyll ability, is at level 15, and has 20/20/20/31/20/20 IVs. 2,169 views. Best HM slave is definitely Nidoran (and evolutions). The player will eventually need to. Gen I, either of the Nidorans or Sandshrew are awesome for HM slaves. That is boring and not fun, even if you can. powerful hm slave pokemon. However, I can’t deny the fact that Haxorus is an objectively better Pokémon than Salamence. If they have an Asterisk by their points, they give other Effort Points. But not. Four HM Slaves. 5 votes . K I wait and See. The only one that makes sense to me is not being able to trade HM guys from your party now that you can actually trade anywhere. Happy? hehehe DRAGONITE! i scrolled through entire fact. Step 4: This path will bring you to the Pokémon Fan Club Headquarters building. Well that's convenient. Pokemon GO - 4507 0983 3086 - GaoRyuki2 Currently Playing - Another Eden (PC), Theatrhythm Final Bar Line (PS4)An HM slave, then, is a term for a pokemon that is not used for battle but knows one or more of these moves, such that the battle performance of your other 5 pokemon is not diminished by "wasting" one of your 4 attack moves with an HM move (which are generally subpar compared to other, similar, options). Strength can be used outside of battle to move boulders around. Charizard @ Charcoal/Sharp Beak. u can find tropius in the great marsh wildley and u should use bibarel ( it can learn every hms except for fly and defog). I put my steelix an HM slave for cut,rocksmash,rockclimb and strength . Published Aug 1, 2022. You need Rock smash to get through Rustboro tunnel and route 111, Strength to get through victory road, Surf to get across many routes, Waterfall to get to the league, and Dive to get to Sootopolis. Best answer. Answers. Items you can give Breloom are either a Miracle Seed to boost Grass damage. If there's an EXP Share like XY then it'll be easy to level him up. She will give you a Heart Scale if you. I have hardly found a need to keep any HM slaves around this time. Best answer. For Pokemon LeafGreen Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "HM Slaves. For Pokemon LeafGreen Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hm Slave". r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. PSN - Darigandevil (Vita and Ps3) Black 2 - 2753-3440-3329. Rui_O_Grande_PT • 2 yr. Like the previous games, Pokémon Black & White have dozens of Technical Machines and Hidden Machines for you to use. Well, the 4 main HMs you need to get through the game are. Garchomp. For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I have the most pimpin' HM slave setup this gen. 1. And, to answer TC's main question, best in-house HM slaves for OR/AS will be Wailmer and Tropius. yea i meant TM >_> just so used to calling it an HM haha. However, many items and side-quests may require you to use the HMs Strength, Surf, Dive and Waterfall. (message deleted) #2. EJ902 14 years ago #5. My bad, haven't played a game since Black & White 2 so memory was a bit hazy Reply more reply. 3 answers 2,146 views. Golduck : Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Rock Smash, Waterfall, Rock Climb. In Pearl. Use Flash to light up dark caves and use Dig to easily escape caves without using an escape rope! Hope I. BEEP BEEP RICHIE! 3DS code for Pokemon Y: Hotaru, 4012-5008-6899. 3DS FC: 4639 9857 5512. O. Hiyakkie on the. Pokemon White Friend Code= 0346-8681-8061. I always love my HM slaves just as much as any other of my Pokemon. Head back to our Pokemon White 2 cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Pokemon White 2. It learns: Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, Surf (yes). Thank you! Bibarel is by far your best choice. If you want 2 pokemon that can learn all 8 HM's, I suggest that you use a AR and catch 2 Mews. Dragonite. You can get it in the Pokewalker (Big Forest) in HG/SS. I wound up just giving Strength to my Darmanitan, and don't bother carrying a Cutter with me. You can only get him post game so it's kinda of a waste. Usually I end up favoring 1-2 Pokemon. . Pockets |. So for me, with that one exception, any move slot on my main combat team that is taken up with an HM is a wasted/useless move slot. "Prof Geim is also known for his earlier use of magnetic fields to levitate frogs". The Pokémon can be filtered by ticking the checkboxes. This is useful for deciding on an HM Slave - a Pokémon knowing only HM. LeviJones 15 years ago #2. Samp98 - 13 years ago - report. Swanna > Fletchling because of Waterfall - again this. Pearl: 4682-5196-5428. Ispamedthis-name • 4 yr. ago. Everything in the game proceeded as normal until I defeated Clair. The main reasons being because most HM moves are not particularly great, and you can't delete an HM without a move deleter. •Dive-Only compulsory in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Crash Bandicoot Warped. Outside the Pokémon Fan Club Headquarters. What Are HM Slaves in Pokémon? The Pokémon fandom developed the term "HM slave" for creatures you don't really intend to train, but who occupy a slot in your roster for their field-navigating HM (Hidden Machine) techniques. --Xatu - Fly, Flash. Give him Fly, Rock Smash, Strength, and Cut. Basculin can learn surf, waterfall, cut and dive. In Pokemon Black and White 2, I use a Pacharisu. The reason being is he can actually USE that Attack stat. 1. An HM slave, then, is a term for a pokemon that is not used for battle but knows one or more of these moves, such that the battle performance of your other 5. Reviews. The main reasons being because most HM moves are not particularly great, and you can't delete an HM without a move deleter. Just switch your HM slave in and out of your PC whenever you need one. Kanester87 14 years ago #4. It was at this point that I started giving cheesy nicknames, so bear with me. But not every HM mule would work. There are 5 HMs in XY: Cut, Strength, Surf, Fly, and Waterfall. That leaves only 4 left for a single slave to take over. Actually, as it turns out, the only HM you need to get fully through the game is Cut. Geo_Saga. . Pokemon FireRed Version. 2 Answers 4 votes Best answer A HM slave is a pokemon that you have on your team in-game so you dont have to teach HMs to your Pokemon. who is great at learning surf, flash, strength, fly and cut. I will always love my Level 18 Bibarel that KO'd Cynthia's Garchomp. kyamato 12 years ago #3. Dragonite. Black and White 2 did something quite interesting, you no longer need HMs to pass through the main story, the only ones I used was fly and surf, everything else was either deleted soon after or given to a pc poke simply because it was only for one or two uses. Flamethrower because of PP, and Amnesia since this is just in-game, where Thunder Wave isn't as useful (but can still be chosen). Dk bout other gens but Gen I you can do Slowpoke/bro and Farfetch’d. The Black 2 exclusive Pokemon, Vullaby, can hold all. But honestly it was an alright move in combat. piledriver85 12 years ago #2. This is useful for deciding on an HM Slave - a Pokémon knowing only HM. 3DS FC: 1822-0159-2098 Luxio safari. Well, here's my team right now (I just finished Pokemon Tower and I'm trying to catch Snorlax): BLASTOISE lv. As you infiltrate Team Plasma's castle, you'll eventually reach N, who will summon Reshiram in. I'm trying to find two pokemon who can. 1st gen, ehhh, forgot, i think oddish/bellsprout for cut/flash and ingame mons for surf/strength. For ORAS: Tropious - fly, cut, flash, strength/rock smash Sharpedo - Surf, Dive, Waterfall, strength/rock smash. Select up to 4 moves then click Find Pokémon to search. Instructions: Type in the boxes below to search and click your desired move in the list that appears. A Hidden Machine (Japanese: ひでんマシン Secret Machine ), HM for short, is an item that, like a TM, is used to teach a Pokémon a move. >Gogoat is a great slave, it can learn Cut, Surf and Strength. Best answer. KillerFugu • 4 yr. Teach this Pokemon Surf, Whirlpool, Waterfall, and Flash. So in celebration of them, and as a requiem for the dead HMs, I’ll be ranking the best options for Unova HM slaves for your gen 5 dream team. A Corphish can actually be caught quite early in the Hoenn region. Too bad it can't learn an HM to make it handsome. TM29 Psychic - Route 13: on a cliff in the southwestern corner of the route (requires Strength) TM30 Shadow Ball - Relic Castle B2F: southeast of the female Team Plasma Grunt. It can learn HMs 03, 04, 07, and 08. Psyduck's another good one, he can. it's the internet >_> - ILikeDesu. It knows Cut, Surf, Waterfall, and Dive. BW: Pokémon Black and White; B2W2: Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. Country. They are common enough, can learn Cut, Strength, and Surf (the three most important HMs for opening up paths), and don't require a ton of effort to get or to evolve. . Pokemon Sun/Moon website. Cut : Striaton City (from Mokomo) Fly : Driftveil City (from Bianca) Surf : Twist Mountain (from Alder) Strength : Nimbasa City (west) Good HM slave for Black/White? Is azumaril the best hm slave for these hms? What HM slave should I use in Pokémon X? What is the best HM slave early in the game of Pokemon crystal? What is an 'HM Slave'? What Pokemon is a good HM slave? powerful hm slave pokemon. Just switch your HM slave in and out of your PC whenever you need one. HM Slaves are a common practice among the fans of Pokémon; after all, you need someone to use all of those Hidden Machines. I will always love my Level 18 Bibarel that KO'd Cynthia's Garchomp. I'd say a Krabby is a better HM slave than the previously suggested Gyarados or Lapras- those are much better used for fighting and much harder to come by, while Krabby are relatively common in the wild. " - The citizens of Palmacosta. sandslash. When I Nuzlocke, I usually only use 4-5 Pokemon and leave one slot for a Pokemon to use as a slave. Waterfall- Needed to get to Victory Road in most games •Dive-Only compulsory in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald •Whirlpool-Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal, and HG SS in order to get to Whirlpool. Dragonite makes a pretty good hm slave You can only get him post game so it's kinda of a waste. See quote for information about quotes. ago. Swanna is very. The only Mon that makes for a better HM slave is Mew, but it's a mythical with limited distribution, so unless you use cheats, you can't get one in any of the games that had HMs. When I Nuzlocke, I usually only use 4-5 Pokemon and leave one slot for a Pokemon to use as a slave. So I nickname him "Mindslave". Well, considering Pokemon can only learn four moves, you're going to have a tough time finding one that can learn six. Strength is not a horrible move, as it has a base attack of 80, and can be used in place of moves like Slash.